
Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Christian Leadership in Teens

Our society today is facing a leadership crisis that has originated from our families and grown to the national and global level. Traditional leadership was based on integrity and the leaders of yesteryear had a lot of strength and character. Sadly, today, the only kinds of leaders we see are selfish leaders, who are slowly turning the global political economy upside down. In such a scenario, Christian leadership in teens can save us.

Teenagers of today will grow up to become leaders of tomorrow and it is in this context that Christian leadership in teens becomes very important. A good leader is able to rightly influence the lives of others and point them in the right direction. Imbibing the values of Christian leadership in teens will help teenagers judge for themselves what kind of leader they want to become when they grow up. It will help them in becoming a leader who touches people’s hearts and exhibit’s the true Christian character, that of Christ Himself.

There are many ways to introduce Christian leadership in teens. One of the easiest ways to incorporate it is in form of games as this is a sure shot way of imparting Christian leadership knowledge in a fun and enjoyable way. Another way is to organize outreach events, which give Christian teenagers a chance to reach out to their own communities and be an example of Christ. Arranging mission trips to spread the gospel and build communities is also another great way of inculcating Christian leadership in teens.

If you are someone who wants to take up this righteous task, then there a few things that you need to keep in mind. It is obvious that you yourself have to be a Christian first if you want to develop Christian leadership in teens. You need not have complete knowledge about Christianity, but the important thing is that you need to have faith in the almighty and have Him in your heart. Teenager need to have faith in God and know that He will be with them all the time, even when they are facing the toughest of challenges.

To conclude, children in their teens are at the best age to be taught about Christian leadership; don’t wait for them to grow up. They should learn to become closer to God, slowly learn to refuse temptation. So, if you want today’s youth to become better leaders of tomorrow, now is the time to instill Christian leadership in teens.

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