
Thursday, June 30, 2011

What to expect out of my child when he/she is in Grade 2-3

Children between the ages of 7 to 9 (Grades 2-3) have already spent 3 to 5 years in school. By now they are more confident as students and develop an understanding of what school is all about. They start developing their personal inclination towards subjects, people and the style of learning. They are able to contribute to activities in class and amongst peers.

With a good foundation set up in the earlier classes the 2 and 3 builds on that foundation by introduction of newer subjects. With study matter getting more and more complicated parents should allocate a quiet time and place for homework to be done. Here is a list of things you can expect out of your child if he/she is in grades 2-3

On the Cognitive or Intellectual Level

·        Children this age like to talk and express their feeling and emotions. They love telling stories and letting their imagination run wild.
·        They are able to execute and carry out an activity on their own with minimal or no assistance altogether.
·        They start understanding abstract concepts like time and day of the week etc.
·        They start understanding concepts like opposites and are able to appreciate difference in opinion and also develop the concept of right and wrong.
·        They love playing games that challenge the thought process, like problem solving.
·        At this age kids love collecting any and every thing that seems precious to them.

On the Socio-Emotional Level

·        Children this age develop a strong sense and of self and enjoy working independently. They also start being possessive over objects and people.
·        At this age children have a need to belong to a group; they develop strong ties with friends and also have best friends. However they do not easily accept peers who have left out of a group or are different.
·        They have a very rigid sense of what is right and wrong.
·        They like to indulge into rituals, games and little absurdities done by all children of that age, with utmost seriousness and sincerity.
·        They show inclination to playing with friends of the same gender.

On the Physical Level

·        They enjoy games that are more challenging and allow self-improvement.
·        They also love activities that encourage comparison of skills
·        They are very energetic at this age and games that involves co-ordination of the whole body and the thought process.

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