
Monday, November 8, 2010

3 Study Skills that Retain Knowledge

Though people have different methods to help them learn and remember, there are a few basic ways by which you can retain knowledge. Writing, reading the text a number of times or reciting it in your mind can do wonders for long term memory. You can review all your text notes or summaries so that your mind does not wander reading long chapters. Usually concentration spans are for a short durations and people who intend studying for long times, may not be able to retain the same concentration levels. But here are some tips to help you crack that test or just retain knowledge for future:

Read the Summary: Before starting on any chapter, read the heading and the given summary. You will be able to know what exactly does the chapter comprise of and the content of that chapter. Just a brief survey gets your mind to focus and helps to retain it for longer period of time.

Make a Questionnaire: It is best to see an already set questionnaire and read the answers as per that. Not only will that help you remember the answers better but it will be focused and motivate you to do well.

Review, recite and write: Another good way of remembering information is reading it a few times and then reciting or writing it down without seeing. You can recite it a few times so that it is clearly etched in the memory or just write it all down after a few revisions.

You can always study for shorter durations and by following the above mentioned tips, make sure that you are able to retain the information better. It is not difficult to remember things if you know the right way to do it. So whether you have an interview or a test or maybe you just love to learn new things, the skill sets will help you achieve that quickly.

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