It’s study time! Even in college students need to set aside time to study and often include study buddies. Why college study is buddies important?
There are times when a class professor sets up study buddies for their classes. Sometimes students put flyers up searching for a study buddy and others get to talking in a class then become study buddies. Study buddies are important because they can help motivate one another to stay on track with their studies. Good study buddies are also friendly and already of the same mind set. Both should want to work when it is time to study, yet they can have fun together as well when the time is right.
College study buddies can also have great brain storming sessions to discuss a project, a paper or even a book they are reading for a class. Have a study buddy or even a study group can help you remember when assignments are due. When there is a more than one person keeping track of class assignment it is easier to get things done and get them turned in on time.
It is important to work with someone that you get along with to help it be a wonderful and helpful experience. If it doesn’t work out it is better to start working with another study buddy than to keep up with a relationship that is hurting your study habits. Make a study schedule including where you will study and when you will meet. You might decide to meet at your scheduled time even if there is no assignment due. This is a time to discuss the class and get to know each other better. It will help enjoy your time together and benefit from the experience as well.
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