
Monday, November 22, 2010

Why You Should Save ALL of Your College Work?

You do a lot of work in school from research papers and exams to notes. Why would you save all of your college work? Some people would say there is no reason to do so unless you are a packrat. Others would say it is vital to have this work later in life.

Perhaps you change careers or want to apply for graduate school. A writing sample could be requested. You would save yourself time if you have saved all your college work. You won’t have to contact a former professor and ask if they have saved any of your papers. Furthermore, you never know if you will need a sample of your work throughout your career. Sometimes potential employers ask for academic writing samples. It could be a good example of what you have done and what direction you could be taking if the topic relates.

You could be thinking this is a lot to keep and it is just old college work. Generally, a person can determine what will be useful. If you have a big paper related to your major that is defiantly something to keep. Even if it is a small writing related to your major it should be kept because it might be needed in the future.

Nevertheless, if you really need to weed through your college works because these items are taking up too much space consider saving your old college work on a disc or flash drive. This will save room and you can save many items. It will save you time to have it organized in one location as well.

It is true might not ever need to use your college work again. Yet, it might be fun to look through and having these items on hand will come in handy if the need arises.

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