
Monday, January 3, 2011

Happy New Year from Alise!!

Hope that you and your family had a great time this past weekend celebrating the New Year! This is the perfect time to reflect on 2010 and set new goals to work towards in 2011.

Below are a few tips to help you set your new goals:

1. Write Down 5 Short-Term Goals: Write down the goals that you can achieve within weeks or months. Try to list them in order and visualize how you would feel after you meet these five short-term goals.

2. Write Down Your Long-Term Goals: Since you already have your short-term goals written down, try to see how they fit into the big picture--long-term goal. Sometimes it take many short-term goals to reach a bigger goal such as financial security, getting a degree or promotion at work.

3. Be realistic and positive! Don't set yourself up for failure or sell yourself short--be realistic! You know what you have time for and try to stick with it. When setting your goals, you want to make sure that you are positive and truly believe that you can achieve those goals. It may be a matter of rearranging your schedule and prioritizing your time.

Remember, as the Bible verse states, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" (Philippians 4:13).

This is so true and you truly can! Keep the faith and may the Spirit be with you!

Wishing you all a prosperous and fulfilled 2011,

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