
Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Did You Know that There are Different Types of Giftedness?

The natural talents and gifts in children can be seen early on but there are different types of "giftedness" that have been categorized. With years of research by George Betts and Maureen Neihart, they have been able to clearly demarcate the types of giftedness in children. Though combinations are possible, the study has made distinctions such as these basic 6 variants:
  • Type 1 or Successful: Nearly 90% of the gifted children come under this category, as they are easy to identify and gifted characteristics show up early. These kids adjust well within school and community, as outstanding students, obedient, well mannered and loved by all.
  • Type 2 or Challenging: These are the creatively gifted ones. They do not adhere to the system and are often in conflict with parents and teachers. Frustration grows if the gift is not recognized and may get involved in unhealthy activities such as behavior and many have drug addiction issues.
  •  Type 3 or Underground: These are the ones who hide their gifts or talents to fit in with the peer groups. Most of them are females with high degree of insecurities and the need to belong is high. 
  • Type 4 or Dropouts: These are the frustrated and angry kids that have not been given due recognition of their talent. The rejection and lack of interest shown makes them withdrawn, rejected and depressed.
  • Type 5 or Double Labeled: Most of the kids under this category are either physically or emotionally handicapped but with a gift. But none of the giftedness is visible with the result only signs of stress, rejection, helplessness and isolation can be observed.
  • Type 6 or Autonomous Learner: These are those kids who work within the school system and are generally successful with leadership qualities. They are self directed and independent in their nature with free expression and good communication.

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